Follow-up studies with sweet corn reflect a similar possibility with respect to the genes they possess, according to Dowd and Johnson. In those studies, biopesticide applications of Beauveria killed 12 to 58 percent of European corn borer and fall armyworm caterpillars. However, as with dent corn, the level of insecticidal activity depended on which of 14 lines of Fusarium-resistant hybrid or inbred sweet corn had been treated. In some sweet corn lines, for example, signs of high levels of disease resistance in the form of smaller dead spots on Fusarium-infected leaves were associated with increases in the percentage of caterpillars killed by the fungus two days after application. In other types of sweet corn that were less resistant, larger dead spots corresponded to lower levels of caterpillar control.
Caterpillar control also varied depending on which of two Beauveria strains were used, an observation that underscores the need for continued study on how these subtleties can translate to practical data growers can use in choosing sweet corn lines offering both Fusarium resistance and high levels of insecticidal activity using the beneficial fungus.
Finding that “sweet spot” in sweet corn would be especially important to organic growers, who cannot use synthetic pesticides and have fewer options for disease and insect control than in conventional production systems.
“The results of gene expression studies comparing sweet corn hybrids with more and less desirable combinations of Fusarium resistance and Beauveria efficacy were recently received,” said Dowd. “These results will help identify favorable combinations of genes that will help guide the breeding of sweet corn varieties to produce ones that have good resistance to Fusarium and are more compatible with the use of Beauveria.”
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