Arkansas has implemented import regulation changes on pigs entering the state, according to Delta Farm Press. Any pigs being brought into Arkansas must be inspected by a veterinarian followed by a health certificate. Also, there must be a statement provided by the veterinarian saying that the pigs are traveling from a site that hasn't had a PEDV case in the last 60 days. The state of Arkansas must then be called and an entry permit number must be issued for the health certificate.
The Brazilian pork industry has asked the Ministry of Agriculture to temporarily suspend imports of live pigs (breeding), genetic material and plasma of pigs in the United States in a measure to try to protect Brazil from the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. The government is studying the request of the pig industry.
Number of New Cases Reported -- Weekly aggregate update of new cases. Starting with the report for diagnostics conducted during the week of 6/17/13, the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) has taken over collecting the data and compiling the report from all labs conducting PED testing. The NAHLN reports 247 positive accessions out of 802 tested at 8 veterinary diagnostic labs. In addition, they adjusted last week’s number down to 270. This maintains the general downward trend in positive case submissions. No new states reported a confirmed case, so the number of states reporting at least one confirmed case of PED remains at 27. Last updated: 04/02/14 for the week of 03/23/14.
Source: AASV