Prairie Diagnostic Services, with support from the Government of Saskatchewan, is responding to the recently identified presence of Porcine Sapovirus in Canada.
In response to the identification of Porcine Sapovirus in western Canada, Prairie Diagnostic Service, in collaboration with the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Iowa State University developed and is in the process of validating new PCR tests for the virus.Dr. Yanyun Huang, an Anatomic Pathologist and Chief Executive Officer with Prairie Diagnostic Services, told those participating in a Swine Health Information Center and American Association of Swine Veterinarians webinar the presence of Sapovirus in Canada was first reported in January by veterinarians participating in one of the Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network conference calls.
Quote-Dr. Yanyun Huang-Prairie Diagnostic Services:
We are now trying to roll out a surveillance program in Saskatchewan.We will do PCR testing on the diarrhea samples that we receive.When we have more samples, we will be able to accumulate enough numbers that can go through our validation process that we can claim the test to be fully validated.Then we will also raise awareness of the availability of sequencing capacity here in Canada.