The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture released findings from its 2023 study, Economic Impact of the Pennsylvania Grape & Wine Industry. The study, funded by the department's Wine Marketing and Research Program, found that the industry supports 10,756 jobs, paying wages of $518.2 million, and directly contributing $1.77 billion to the state economy annually. Pennsylvania ranks 4th in wine production in the nation, up from 5th in 2018. Grape production in PA has grown by about 970 tons per year in that period.
Governor Josh Shapiro's 2024-25 budget provides meaningful new support for continued growth in Pennsylvania agriculture by investing in innovation, jobs, conservation, economic and workforce development, and the higher education institutions providing research critical to protecting the industry's future.
"Pennsylvania's wine and grape industry is a tremendous asset to our economy and undeniably adds to quality of life in every region of the state," Sec. Redding said. "The thriving industry brings visitors to our countryside and small towns, provides nutritious juice for our youngest consumers, and wines that pair with locally-grown foods on restaurant and family tables. The Shapiro Administration is proud to invest in the industry's future and the future of families and communities who depend on it."
The study encompassed data on wine and juice grape vineyards, juice processors, wine wholesale and retail sales, research and education, wineries, and wine tourism. Fresh table grapes are not included in the data.