OSCIA Launches funding to support DON testing in corn

Dec 05, 2018

Guelph ON – As part of a strategic initiative to assist Ontario’s grain farmers with high levels of DON (vomitoxin) contamination in this year’s corn crop, the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) is releasing new cost-share opportunities to support DON testing.
Cost-share opportunities will be delivered as a targeted intake under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. Helping producers manage plant and animal health risks is a focus of the Partnership. The program was an opportunity to respond to the DON issue.
OSCIA currently delivers the Partnership Cost-share Funding Assistance Program to Ontario’s agricultural producers. The targeted intake will support producers whose corn crop or corn products (including feed and silage) have documented presence of DON at levels at or above 5 ppm.
Producers can receive 50 per cent cost-share up to a maximum of $2,500 per farm business location to undertake:
• DON testing at a lab or elevator;
• Purchasing test kits for DON; and,
• Purchasing equipment for testing on-farm.
Costs are eligible if incurred after October 12, 2018 and after receipt of a test showing DON levels at 5 ppm or greater
Producers who receive a test of 5 ppm or greater for their 2018 corn crop are eligible to apply. Applicants must have a valid Premises Identification (PID) number, which can be obtained or updated through the Provincial Premises Registry at 1-888-247-4999.
Like other Partnership opportunities, the program is merit-based. This program will focus specifically on the risks to plant and animal health and challenges with marketing DON-infected corn. Applications will be reviewed as they are received in an attempt to get support out to producers as quickly as possible.
The targeted intake will open December 6, 2018 and continue to run over the upcoming months. A close date will be announced at a later time. For additional details or to access an application, producers can go to ontarioprogramguides.net or contact OSCIA at CAP@ontariosoilcrop.org.
The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $3 billion commitment by Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments that supports Canada’s agri-food and agri-products sectors.

Source : OSCIA
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