The Ontario government’s Small Cidery Program also helps cideries grow and increase the scale of their operations, with grants of up to $220,000 to hire more staff and purchase new state-of-the-art equipment.
These investments support our Grow Ontario Strategy goals of increasing the consumption and production of local food and growing Ontario’s food and beverage exports. The strategy is creating jobs and opportunities in communities across the province, while attracting new investments in our economy.
The Ontario Craft Cider Association is also receiving up to $89,200 to expand the DrinkON Apples Certification, which will help more consumers identify apple cider products made with 100 per cent Ontario apples.
“It is so important we expand access and increase awareness among domestic and international consumers of cider,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance. “Ontario’s cider is world-class, and I am so pleased to support this strategic initiative. Ontarians can be confident when they are choosing Ontario craft cider, they are making the right choice.”
Source : News Ontario