One example of this is cover cropping, where crops are planted for the purpose of covering the soil instead of being harvested. Traditionally this has been done to improve soil health and reduce erosion, but research is showing that there are many additional benefits like controlling weeds that have become resistant to sprays and attracting helpful insects and pollinators.
Many farmers also use an approach called Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which involves scouting for pests and diseases, targeted treatment only when necessary and using beneficial or “good” insects to go after ones causing damage to horticultural crops. Pheromone disruption controls pest populations by naturally interrupting their ability to reproduce, and predictive systems can give growers a heads up the level of risk posed by certain diseases so they can take preventative action.
Some farmers are also experimenting with robotic weeding systems, laser weeders that zap unwanted weeds in the field, and drones that allow for quick surveillance and analysis of crops for potential problems.
“When I look at the tools we have available to us now versus what was available when I first started farming, we are much more targeted and efficient, and we can use products that benefit us as well as the environment,” Rideout says. “More than ever, growers are thinking about worker health, public health and their own health as well as that of the environment as we adapt technology to protect our crops.”
More information about how Ontario fruit and vegetable growers are growing fresh Ontario produce sustainably is available on the OFVGA website. The OFVGA is one of the province’s oldest farm organizations and is the voice of Ontario’s 3,500 fruit and vegetable farmers on issues affecting the horticulture sector, including food security, sustainability, and grower profitability and competitiveness. The sector grows produce in fields and greenhouses across the province for fresh and processed consumption. Visit, or follow @OntFruitVeg on Twitter or on Facebook at
Source : OFVGA