Ontario chicken farmers thank Minister Leal for Ontario's steadfast support of supply management during TPP talks

Oct 09, 2015

BURLINGTON, ON - Henry Zantingh, Chair of Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) has expressed his thanks to the Hon. Jeff Leal. Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Government of Ontario, for their unflagging support for supply management during the recent Trans Pacific Partnership trade negotiations.

"The Ontario Government clearly demonstrated its understanding of agriculture, Ontario farmers and the importance of supply management to the ongoing economic wellbeing of this province," stated Mr. Zantingh. "Mr. Leal's efforts during the final days of the TPP talks in Atlanta, to reaffirm support for a made-in-Canada agricultural economic system that has served Canadians for over half a century, has only increased our appreciation of his dedication to ensuring Ontario consumers continue to have access to safe, healthy, locally grown chicken."

Mr. Zantingh, along with other Ontario supply management leaders, accompanied Minister Leal on his trip to Atlanta to monitor the last round of Ministerial discussions at the TPP talks. The talks were concluded on Monday with the announcement that a deal in principle had been reached between the twelve TPP member participants.

Source: CFO

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