In conjunction with IAV monitoring by VDLs, USDA monitors IAV from multiple surveillance streams and provides additional information regarding these viruses. The USDA Influenza A Swine Surveillance Program was initiated after the 2009 H1N1influenza pandemic. A visual showing the diagnostic criteria for inclusion on the program is available here. Goals of the surveillance program include monitoring the genetic evolution of endemic IAV in swine to better understand endemic and emerging influenza virus ecology, making influenza isolates from swine available for research, and establishing a data management system to facilitate genetic analysis of these isolates and related information. Additional goals include selecting the proper isolates for the development of relevant diagnostic reagents, updated diagnostic assays, and vaccine seed stock products. Samples submitted for influenza detection through this program can originate from sick pig cases submitted to a VDL, samples from pigs at the pig/human interface, such as fairs and exhibitions, and from IAV strains collected from pigs with a link to confirmed isolation of IAV in a human case.
Influenza viruses that have been identified through specific IAV case criteria at the VDLs can be included in the USDA IAV Swine Surveillance Program. Producer data is anonymized with information such as age/production stage of animals sampled, sample type, subtype, and region of origin within the US. Samples that are PCR positive can be further evaluated by virus isolation, subtype sequencing, and whole genome sequencing. Information generated by the Surveillance Program is publicly reported here and a tool for the visualization of aggregate IAV data developed by the USDA ARS National Animal Disease Center is available here.
The American Association of Swine Veterinarians updated their position statement on influenza A viruses on April 25, 2024, and it includes this statement, “It is the position of the AASV that we…recommend pork producers, swine veterinarians and diagnostic laboratories actively participate in IAV surveillance programs that provide information regarding IAV evolution and epidemiology.”
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