Prince Edward County, ON — The Ontario Farmland Trust recently celebrated the protection of its 24th farm with a farmland conservation easement on September 15, 2024. The 38 hectare (94 acres) Hazell and Klaassen Farm, in the heart of Prince Edward County (PEC), is known locally as Stonefield Eden Alpacas. The couple have been raising alpacas on this land, although it has previously been planted to winter wheat, beans, peas, and corn.
The celebration included remarks from the landowner, Dee Hazell, and OFT Executive Director, Martin Straathof, as well as a farm tour of the beautiful property. In addition to the agricultural land, the farm also hosts a hardwood forest, wetlands and streams, North Bay coastline, and trees that are over 100 years old. The natural areas are home to a variety of wildlife, including several species at risk, like the Barn Swallow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Midland Painted Turtle, and Monarch Butterfly.