Very happy to share that the 64 page October/November edition of Prairie Hog Country was successfully been printed by the new press. Some might recall or have heard, that after 25 years the printer/press I had been using since 1998 closed in August. So this will be the first edition printed at the new facility. With this new printer it opens up some exciting new possibilities for the core section.
Some of the highlights in this next issue are: Updates on Prop 12, ASF – feed controls and biosecurity, A day in the life of a swine vet, MB Discover the farm day, Inside look at VIDO, Swine health report updates, A tour through Grand’s expansion, A call to safeguard Canada’s food supply and much much more.
Be sure to check in Pork Chops for the dates and locations of all upcoming shows, meetings, seminars and workshops. The issue will be released end will be in the hands of Canada Post October 5th. As always thanks for the continued support.
Laurie Brandly,