Phosphorus: 1.8 tons of corn stalks x 4.8 pounds of P2O5/ ton corn stover = equals 8.6 pounds of P2O5removed per acre.
Potassium: 1.8 tons x 18 pounds of K2O/ton corn stover = 32.4 pounds K2O removed per acre.
These removal rates are in addition to the P2O5 and K2O removed in the grain.
A similar calculation can be made for soybean residue removal. Soybean residue contains 4.7 pounds of P2O5 per ton removed and 23 pounds of K2O per ton removed.
Nitrogen considerations should also be factored into corn stover removal. The economic optimum N rate is often less with partial stover removal (20 lb. N/acre less). And while this seems counterintuitive, with stover removal, less carbon is added to the soil requiring less N. See discussion in PM 3052C Nutrient Considerations with Corn Stover Harvest (
In summary, stover removal for use in bedding, forage, and potentially cellulosic ethanol must account for nutrient removal to maintain adequate soil test levels for crop production. Continue to monitor soil tests levels and fertilize accordingly.
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