NPPC Unveils New Strategic Plan and Vision for the Future

Jun 20, 2022

The National Pork Producers Council has unveiled its new strategic plan and its vision for the future.
Last week, as part of World pork Expo 2022, the National Pork Producers Council launched its new brand and outlined its new strategic plan.
NPPC CEO Bryan Humphreys says the planning process actually began a few years ago and involved a broad scope of pork producers, representatives of the 42 state associations and the rest of the industry.

Clip-Bryan Humphreys-National Pork Producers Council:
The producers of our industry are continually evolving and continually adapting their business practices and how they operate to change with the times.
The industry recognised that it was time for the organization to take a deep look at who they are and what it is that they are doing on behalf of the industry and where are the opportunities for improvement.
A couple of years ago we put together a new long range strategic plan.
Last year the industry put together what's called the Pork Industry Visioning Task Force to look at both national organizations and how can we streamline the process and be as effective as possible on behalf of the industry.
As we made those changes over the last couple of years it's catchstoned this year with the launch of the new brand as it demonstrates the implementation of our long-range strategic plan, the funding that has come into the organization and the increase, the new leadership, the new board members, all of that has been put together in the new brand rollout.
As we look at the priorities, the reality is that those are going to continue to change with time and so what we really focussed on is the organizational structure.
How do we build an organizational structure that can adapt for any challenge, that has a team of experts that can adapt and move with the changes and times that are ahead of us?
If we look back ten years ago, I don't know that we ever would have thought that we'd be talking about African Swine Fever or about an issue like Proposition 12 and yet that's a big topic of discussion today.
Ensuring that we have the we have the subject matter experts and the organizational ability to adapt and to overcome those challenges and issues, that's what we've put together here.

Humphries encourages anyone interest in learning more about the National Pork Producers Council check out its new web site at

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