The National Pork Producers Council is applauding a deal that will move ratification of the USMCA forward in Congress and is calling for a vote before the end of this year. Yesterday the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives announced an agreement has been reached that will move forward ratification of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the trade deal that will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Jim Monroe, the Assistant Vice President Communications with the National Pork Producers Council, says USMCA ratification has been and continues to be a primary objective for the NPPC.
Clip-Jim Monroe-National Pork Producers Council:
Mexico and Canada took about 40 percent of total U.S. pork exports last year and they're on a similar pace this year so obviously these markets are essential for U.S. pork producers and their livelihoods. USMCA Ratification has been and continues to be a primary objective for the National Pork Producers Council.
News that Democrats and the Administration have ironed out an agreement and our trading partners appear to be good with that is very good news. I think it demonstrates that the administration and Congress can work together in a bipartisan fashion and get trade deals done.
It's obviously important for zero tariff pork trade in North American and preserving that but it also demonstrates to other trading partners that the administration, working with Congress, can get these deals done and I think that's good news for U.S. pork producers and for American agriculture overall. It gets us one step closer and we're going to continue to push for a vote in Congress this year.