Now hiring: the next generation of B.C. agriculture, food workers

Jun 28, 2023

A new workforce initiative will support British Columbia’s agriculture and food industry in recruiting and retaining the workers who will help provide a stable food supply for a growing population in B.C. and around the world.

“The demand for B.C. food and beverage products continues to grow, and we need to address labour challenges now, so we can continue to rely on B.C.’s agriculture and food sector in the future,” said Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “Our government is working hard to increase the number of B.C. agriculture workers so we will have a safe and resilient local food supply for generations to come.”

The Agriculture and Food Workforce Development Initiative will provide as much as $15 million to help strengthen the workforce by:

  • improving recruitment and retention of domestic workers and supporting targeted training to develop a skilled workforce;
  • implementing labour-market development strategies and workforce plans; and
  • supporting the health and well-being of the agriculture and food workforce.

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