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Attending the Corn-Soybean Day will fulfill the three-hour requirement for private pesticide applicator recertification and the two-hour Ohio Fertilizer Applicator Certification and Training (FACT) program required for those with a pesticide license, Richer said.
“Commercial Ohio applicators can get three hours of pesticide credits, including core, 2A, 2C and 2D,” he said.
Three hours of Michigan pesticide recertification credits and four hours of Certified Crop Adviser continuing education credits will also be available, Richer said. From 3:45 to 5:15 p.m. there will be sessions to fulfill core and fumigation (category 6) for pesticide applicators, he said.
Registration for the day is $35 by Jan. 13 and $60 at the door on a limited basis, Richer said. The cost includes materials, continental breakfast and lunch. For more information, contact Richer at 419-337-9210 or Details about the event, including a downloadable, mailable registration form and a link for online registration, can be found at
Source: Ohio State University