“Ongoing genetic improvement steadily raised soybean yield potential and the need for nitrogen, raising questions about supplementing the supply with fertilizer,” said Emerson Nafziger, professor emeritus in crop sciences. “People wondered whether soybeans wouldn’t be able to supply all of the energy for high yields as well as the energy needed to fix such a large amount of nitrogen.”
This notion is spurred on by highly publicized ‘record’ yields that are often attributed to intensive practices including nitrogen fertilizer, Nafziger says. These anecdotal claims are not backed up by available research and are partly what prompted Nafziger and his colleagues Giovani Preza Fontes and Joshua Vonk to tackle the issue.
Field trials suggest minimal yield benefit from nitrogen applications
To test whether soybeans respond to extra nitrogen, the U. of I. team ran nine field trials across four locations in Illinois between 2014 and 2017. They looked at soybean yield when nitrogen fertilizer was applied at each of four growth stages: planting, flowering, pod setting, seed filling, and at all four of these stages.
The researchers found that applying nitrogen to the crop at all four stages increased yield in most cases, but not enough to cover the cost of the fertilizer. Nafziger stresses that the yield improvements they saw from repeated applications are not a recommendation for farmers to follow suit.
“While this increase from repeated applications was interesting, any treatment that costs two to three times the value of the extra production is a sure way to lose money,” he said. “People who are trying to set yield records might do it anyway, but it should never be done in normal production fields.”
In all years and locations, soybean yields were good to outstanding, regardless of nitrogen application. There was no consistent yield benefit from single nitrogen applications during flowering, pod setting, or seed filling.
“We found little response to applying nitrogen at individual reproductive stages ranging from flowering to seed filling, despite the fact that these cover the period when crop demand is high as pods are formed and seed filling begins. This indicated that nitrogen availability during critical stages of yield formation was not a significant limitation to yield,” said Preza Fontes, assistant professor in crop sciences.
Exception found in specific soils and planting conditions
There was, however, one exception. A single nitrogen application at planting significantly increased soybean yield in two out of three years in a loam soil in a farmer’s field near Chillicothe, Illinois. This was unexpected as other studies have found that when nitrogen is applied during planting, the plant invests less in its symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, sometimes leading to deficiencies later in the season.
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