Edmonton, Alberta – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - In response to severe drought conditions, the Governments of Canada and Alberta worked together to rapidly deploy the Canada-Alberta Livestock Feed Assistance AgriRecovery initiative, which has already helped thousands of livestock producers cover their extraordinary costs.
The second phase of this initiative, which opens January 5, 2022, provides continued assistance to eligible Alberta producers, who were hit hard by the 2021 drought. Together, the initial and secondary payments will put up to $340 million into the hands of producers to help them address the extraordinary costs incurred feeding their livestock during the 2021 drought.
In phase two of the Canada-Alberta Livestock Feed Assistance initiative, producers can apply for additional compensation (a secondary payment) to help cover costs over and above the phase one initial payment. Due to prolonged dry weather and extreme high temperatures, many producers experienced reduced grazing capacity causing a severe economic hit.