The Farm Bureau supports increased or full funding of the Nourish New York program, which gets locally grown food into regional food banks, and the Healthy School Meals for All.
Concerns expressed by the agricultural advocates include electrification to meet climate action goals. Fisher said the reliable, affordable and easily charged battery-powered equipment needed does not yet exist on farms.
“And until then exemptions must be made for vehicles and machines where batteries don’t supply enough power for the task at hand," asserts Fisher. "Plus we need assurances that New York’s grid has the capacity to support the level of our electrical production and consumption that will be needed.”
There are a couple of ongoing concerns that the Farm Bureau hopes can be resolved during the session.The first is legislation pertaining to the Extended Producer Responsibility Act requirements, which reverses recycling responsibility to those who create the packaging. Farm Bureau Director of Public Policy Jeff Williams says that may be workable for huge corporations, but not most of New York agriculture.
“In the current language all farms would be pulled into that, even some of the smallest farms," notes Williams. "And we’re thinking about our wineries, for example, who then would be in charge of somehow returning glass wine bottles. It also impacts our dairy processors. And there’s some very real FDA regulations that speak to packaging that this legislation doesn’t contemplate. Of course we’ve shared our concerns with the Governor’s office and the legislative leaders, especially in EnCon Committee. We’re especially gratified I think that Governor Hochul didn’t include this language in her executive budget. Just the fact that she didn’t do that is a testament to how difficult this issue is to try to solve.”
Dairy prices to the farmer are down at the same time labor costs are up. On January 1st the Labor Department began phasing in a new overtime threshold for farm laborers, gradually lowering hours from 60 to 40 hours. A new tax credit was created to help farm owners with the cost of the new overtime standard. Governor Hochul announced Tuesday that the portal has now opened for farmers to apply for the credit. But neither of the Farm Bureau officials are optimistic. Williams says other states with similar programs have encountered problems.
“I’ve seen two different reports," says Williams. "One from Washington and one from the state of California, where employees are upset that employers are limiting their hours.
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