Alberta Pulse Growers (APG), as part of the Root Rot Task Force, today launched to catalyze a collaborative approach to root rot research and management focused on agronomy, breeding and pathology in peas and lentils.
“Root disease in peas and lentils remains the largest threat that we need to mitigate for farmers in Western Canada,” said APG Chair Shane Strydhorst. “Partnering with Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG) and Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) increases efficiency in sharing information and investing in new research.”
APG, MPSG and SPG developed a National Pulse Research Strategy that aligns research priorities and targets coordinating pulse research across Canada. The strategy identified controlling root rot in peas and lentils, particularly Aphanomyces and Fusarium, as the top priorities.
As root rot is a top priority, the new website was developed to allow consistent messaging and increase the collaborative approach to addressing this issue by connecting researchers. This website includes resources, tools, and research to create a central location for growers, agronomists, researchers, and the pulse industry. highlights the following areas.