The Canadian Grain Commission is making several grain grading changes for the new crop year following consultation with sector stakeholders and members of its Western Standards Committee and Eastern Standards Committee. These changes will allow Canada’s quality assurance system to better meet the needs of the grain sector in Canada and grain buyers around the world, the CGC said. These are the highlights of some of the upcoming changes.
New variety designation lists for food barley
Food barley varieties are unique and different from malting or feed barley varieties due to the distinct quality features desired for food, such as high beta-glucans.
To ensure Canadian producers and the agriculture sector can realize the benefits of developing and growing these varieties, the Canadian Grain Commission is creating variety designation lists for Barley, Canada Eastern Food, which will take effect on July 1, 2024, and Barley, Canada Western Food, which will take effect on August 1, 2024.
Updates to the assessment of seed coat discolouration in soybeans
As part of its grain grading modernization project, the Official Grain Grading Guide will be updated to clarify the assessment of seed coat discolouration in soybeans, effective on August 1, 2024.