Wisconsin cornfields - Protect corn from disease

Jun 21, 2024

Wisconsin corn growers urged to act against potential disease outbreaks

By Farms.com

This year, Wisconsin's agricultural landscape is bracing for significant disease challenges in corn production due to unusual weather patterns.

The combination of rising summer temperatures and increased precipitation creates perfect conditions for destructive plant diseases. Bill Verbeten, representing FMC in Wisconsin, is calling on all corn growers to prepare extensively.

Key to combating these threats is the identification and prioritization of fields most likely to be affected through enhanced scouting. By implementing robust scouting routines, growers can ensure timely applications of fungicides, thereby significantly reducing potential yield losses.

The choice of fungicide and the timing of applications are critical. Fungicides with broader and longer-lasting effects are preferred to manage the disease effectively throughout the growing season.

Applying these treatments at the correct growth stages of the crop can drastically improve their efficacy, optimizing both control and economic returns.

As the season unfolds, it is imperative that growers remain proactive and prepared. By following these strategic steps, Wisconsin corn producers can shield their crops from the impending disease pressures and ensure continued productivity and sustainability in their agricultural practices.

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