New Study Ranks Illinois as #1 in Total Economic Output in the U.S.

Aug 08, 2024

Corn farming is one of the largest sectors in American agriculture. The nation’s corn farmers bolster the economy and help build strong communities. There are firms in 524 industry sectors across all 50 states and the District of Columbia with linkages to corn grain farming.


In 2023, Illinois farmers produced 2.27 billion bushels of corn, slightly up from the previous year, with an average yield of 206 bushels per acre. While Illinois ranks number two in corn production, it is number one in total economic output contribution due to corn farming, along with its upstream supply chain and household linkages.

Why is Being #1 in Economic Output So Important?

Being number one in economic output means:

  • More jobs
  • A stronger economy
  • Global influence
  • Technological advancements
  • Thriving communities
  • Better environmental practices

Just like a winning team brings pride and benefits to its supporters, Illinois’s success in corn farming brings significant advantages to the state and its residents.

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