A new research project at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Panhandle Research Feedlot in Scottsbluff will be studying alternatives to distillers in feedlot diets as the future of biodiesel looks to change. In June 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the Set Rule for 2023-25 that included steady growth of biofuels for the nation’s fuel supply. While biodiesel saw an increase, ethanol did not. This could mean more soybeans and their by-products would be available as livestock feed, compared to corn.  

Pablo Loza, Feedlot Management and Nutrition Extension Specialist at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center is leading the new research project to increase alternatives in diet formulations. The study will have 448 steers putting on weight this 2023 winter, with a series of diets that includes different protein concentrates.