Stunting, a form of chronic undernutrition, affects 150 million children worldwide. While nutrition interventions have been shown to reduce stunting, experts have long concluded that other sectors, like agriculture, need to lift more weight. A new research article in the journal Food Policy, by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) authors Beliyou Haile and Derek Headey, provides compelling evidence that, within agriculture, the dairy sector has tremendous potential to improve nutrition in early childhood.
Dairy’s nutritional properties have long been understood, including its high-quality proteins and wide range of micronutrients crucial for both physical and cognitive development. However, no previous study has demonstrated, at the global level, the potential for growth in dairy consumption to reduce national stunting rates in line with Sustainable Development Goal 2.
This study addresses this gap by analyzing a large cross-country panel of 91 countries. The researchers find that a 10% increase in per capita milk consumption predicts a 0.7 percentage point reduction in stunting prevalence. “The relationship between milk consumption and stunting reduction is a really strong one," says Derek Headey, senior research fellow with the International Food Policy Research Institute, “and suggests we should really ramp up investments in dairy if we’re serious about reducing stunting.”
The researchers acknowledge longstanding concerns about dairy products. Cow’s milk is a complement to breastmilk, not a substitute, and they argue that nutrition education campaigns should promote exclusive breastfeeding in the first 5 months after birth, and then an appropriate mix of breastfeeding and complementary feeding – including dairy – from 6 months onwards.