Each funding opportunity through the Agriculture Resiliency Program was created to help the local agriculture industry proactively address risks that producers are facing in a changing climate. This includes providing funding for research to assess opportunities, supporting preparedness and resiliency efforts in dealing with the effects of extreme weather events, and ensuring that our local industry continues to lead and have the necessary mental health supports that are needed to deal with the challenges of farming.
The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) is a 5-year (2023-2028), $3.5 billion agreement between the federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation and resiliency of Canada's agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. This includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and a $2.5 billion commitment that is cost-shared 60% federally and 40% provincially/territorially for programs that are designed and delivered by provinces and territories.
For more information on how to apply for the new Agriculture Resiliency Program, visit: Agriculture Resiliency Program and for more information on the many other Prince Edward Island programs available through the Sustainable CAP, visit: Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
Source : Canada.ca