“Being able to properly identify an insect at various corn and soybean growth stages can increase the crop’s chance for survival and overall profitability,” says Nick Seiter, course co-author, ACES assistant professor, and Extension specialist. “Not all insects found in a field will be quantifiable or become harmful to that crop.”
Participants learn through an immersive online experience of 3D model insects that rotate with the hold of a mouse click to explore better angles and specific identifying characteristics. Pop-up annotation cards provide facts and tips, while short quizzes check learning progress along the way. These tools encourage improved understanding and visualization to reflect the experience of seeing the live insect.
“We’re excited to offer this course to increase awareness and build the skills and confidence needed to increase proper integrated pest management techniques across today’s crop fields,” says Talon Becker, Extension commercial agriculture specialist.
The course can be accessed directly at go.illinois.edu/FieldInsectID. A Learn @ Illinois Extension account will be required and can be created by clicking the course name at center screen or the Log In button at the top-right of the page, followed by Create an Account near the middle of the login page. The training is also available in Spanish at go.illinois.edu/IDinsectocampo.
The course offers continuing education units for Certified Crop Advisers. Those who complete the course will be provided with a QR code to scan with the Certified Crop Adviser app to obtain 3.0 CEUs in pest management.
If you have questions or need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, contact Talon Becker at tbecker2@illinois.edu or by phone at 217-300-0576. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet access needs.
Source : illinois.edu