The National Pork Board recently debuted a new infographic depicting how U.S. pig farmers work with their veterinarians to use antibiotics responsibly to help keep people, pigs and the planet healthy.
The National Pork Board continues to update and expand programs, such as Pork Quality Assurance® Plus, that certify that farmers know the latest information about how to practice responsible antibiotic use at the farm level. However, pig farmers are increasingly communicating with the public about this issue with the goal of demystifying antibiotic use.
The National Pork Board has made a concerted effort in 2015 to address antibiotic-related issues. The board’s three-point plan of action focuses on research, education and communication. The plan will help shape educational outreach to pig farmers, share information with the retail and foodservice industries and inform pork consumers. Other antibiotic initiatives coming from the National Pork Board include a new independent blue-ribbon panel to discuss the issue and to help prioritize research and producer education programs. The panel also will identify opportunities for improvement in current antibiotic practices and offer guidance in how to improve antibiotic stewardship in the pork industry.
Source: AASV