Soybean Management Field Days is free to attend thanks to support from the Nebraska Soybean Board. Complimentary meal and refreshments will be provided. To help with a meal count, please pre-register two days in advance of each field day online or by calling (402) 624-8030.
Evening program (registration starts at 5:30 p.m., program from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.) dates and locations are:
- Aug. 13 — Holdrege, Nebraska (Blake Johnson farm) with information on the soybean TAPS competition, dectes stem borer, and irrigation.
- Aug. 14 — Neligh, Nebraska (Kenny Reinke farm) with information on the soybean TAPS competition, white mold, and irrigation.
- Aug. 15 — Ulysses, Nebraska (Scott Reichert farm) with an in-field tour of on-farm research plot on biological seed treatments for soybeans and discussion on the soybean TAPS competition.
Morning program (registration starts at 10 a.m., program from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.) date and location is:
- Aug. 16 — Mead, Nebraska (UNL Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center) with TAPS plots tour, discussion on participant decisions, Ag Olympics, and soybean gall midge research plot tours.
“Our team from Nebraska Extension looks forward to having interactive discussions about Nebraska soybeans,” said Aaron Nygren, Nebraska Extension water and cropping systems educator. “Come join us in the evening on Tuesday to Thursday for a quick update on soybean issues or Friday for a more in-depth dive into what we’ve learned already from the inaugural soybean TAPS competition at ENREEC.”
University of Nebraska-Lincoln agronomists, plant disease experts, and insect specialists will be available to address participants' inquiries, and attendees can bring unidentified crop problems for complimentary identification.
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