Following in-depth consultations with stakeholders throughout 2021 the Canola Council of Canada (CCC) has released an updated Canola Innovation Strategy, a March 10 news release says.
“Canola’s position as one of the world’s most important oilseeds and Canada’s most valuable crop is built upon continued investment in research and innovation,” Curtis Rempel, CCC vice president of crop production and innovation, says in the release.
The release notes the strategy articulates a path for innovation and research to achieve the industry’s Keep It Coming 2025 strategic goals and beyond. It focuses on four key pillars – performance, precision, protection and product, and calls for a predictable and science-based regulatory system.
“These discussions also helped identify current gaps and opportunities in various aspects of canola innovation, pointing the way to our research funding priorities for the Next Policy Framework for agriculture and other funding opportunities,” Rempel explains.