The Nebraska Spray Drone Conference will feature Dr. Steve Li, associate professor and extension specialist of weed science at Auburn University. His research team works on evaluating the application efficiency of spray drones and understanding how to optimize flight and spray parameters to mitigate spray drift.
In addition to these speakers, the conferences will feature presenters from Federal Aviation Administration, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, Nebraska Extension, Pix4D Agriculture, Lifted Vision, Aurora Cooperative, Agri Spray Drones, and Volitant Technologies. Spray drone demonstrations will be provided by Agri Spray Drones and Volitant Technologies. Please refer to the registration page for more information on speakers and conference agendas.
The conference registration fee is $150 per conference, or $250 when registering for both.
An educational discount is available to students and educators through an application process available on the registration page.
Businesses and organizations are encouraged to exhibit at both conferences. The exhibitor fee is $500, which includes a display table and two complimentary admission tickets, good for both conferences.
To support these conferences and future drone educational programing, Nebraska Extension is accepting sponsorships at the $250, $500, and $1,000 contribution levels. Your sponsorship will be recognized during both conferences and your support greatly appreciated by extension.
Please visit the registration page to register as a participant and apply for educational discount, sponsorship, and/or exhibition. Both conferences will begin at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 5 p.m. each day at WCREEC, 402 W State Farm Rd., North Platte, NE 69101.
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