By Amit Jhala
Growers, crop consultants and educators are encouraged to attend Nebraska Extension's Weed Management Field Day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at the South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center.
The field day will include on-site demonstrations of new technology and new herbicides for corn, soybean and sorghum. An early morning tour will focus on weed management in soybean and sorghum followed by a tour of weed management in field corn. Field experiments will provide information for weed control options with various herbicide programs.
"We have projects to demonstrate how best we can use cover crops such as cereal rye or interseeding small grains (wheat, oat, barley) for weed suppression," said Extension Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala. “New herbicides and technologies are coming to the market, including See and Spray Precision Sprayer, iGrowth and INZEN sorghum.”