North Dakota State University (NDSU) researchers in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics are seeking input from farmers and ranchers about use of data generated from precision agriculture activities.
“Generating information to improve the use of farm resources and best meet operational objectives is at the center of precision agriculture,” says Cheryl Wachenheim, NDSU Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics professor. “For example, soil sampling and yield monitor data can be used to prescribe zone application of fertilizers and seeding rates. We have learned a lot about how farmers and ranchers are using the tools of precision agriculture and are now seeking their feedback about control of the data they generate.”
The environment of rich and easily accessible and manageable data from precision agricultural technologies is evolving and new to an industry most familiar with an environment of tangible assets for which property rights are generally explicit. Farmers and ranchers are, for example, able to control access and prevent others from using their land, machinery and equipment, and other tangible assets.
The property rights of data are less clear, and there is no regulatory framework that clearly defines rights to production and farm data. As a result, there are a myriad of uncertainties and concerns regarding the collection, control, sharing and use of the data generated by farm operations.