By Katrina Johnston
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides nutrition assistance to about 42 million Americans in need each month. USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) ensures that benefits are as convenient and easy to use as possible, however, historically there have been challenges when it comes to connecting participants with local farmers. Fortunately, modern technologies and innovative solutions have emerged to bridge this gap. By embracing online purchasing and mobile payment systems, FNS is creating a more efficient, inclusive, and mutually beneficial relationship between SNAP participants and farmers.
Thanks to a partnership between USDA and the National Association of Farmers Market Nutrition Programs (NAFMNP), direct marketing farmers are now able to accept SNAP payment online. The first direct marketing farmer enabled to accept SNAP online is River Queen Greens, a vegetable farm in New Orleans, Louisiana. SNAP online payments increase accessibility for River Queen Greens customers. “Having the capability for SNAP online payments makes the purchasing process much more seamless,” said co-owner Annie Moore.
Until recently, accepting SNAP payment online was an option primarily available for traditional brick and mortar retailers. As a result of the partnership with NAFMNP, SNAP participants can now purchase produce online from participating local farmers for pick-up or delivery. NAFMNP MarketLink’s Online SNAP solution will help small farmers attract new SNAP customers while providing SNAP participants with better access to fresh, locally grown produce. A win-win for all parties involved!