It goes without saying that everything in farming depends on the weather, but few things are as touchy as enticing maple trees to run sap. Some years it’s stop and go. Some years you can’t stay on top of it all, and some seasons don’t amount to much of anything.
It’s all a matter of degrees (literally) and there’s no second chances. Yields will vary from bush to bush and regions to region. The good news is that after a winter that wasn’t, we still had a pretty darn decent season in Ontario.
Down in the banana belt of Middlesex County, Nelson McLachlan, of the Fort Rose Maple Company, reports a season on track with their five-year average. With over 14,000 taps in 10 different woodlots, they made 1.5 litres per tap with a short season that came and went early: their first boil was January 28 and ended just as abruptly after excessively warm temperatures on March 5.
“We used to go by the calendar, but now we go by the weather forecast,” McLachlan said.