In her letter, the Premier outlines her expectations that the Alberta Advantage be expanded to include regulatory and approval advantages and asks Minister Nally to deliver on a platform commitment to support Alberta seniors by implementing a seniors discount of 25 per cent to all personal registry services, camping fees and medical driving tests.
The Premier also tasks Minister Nally with:
- Working with Indigenous partners, finish developing and implementing Alberta's online gaming strategy with a focus on responsible gaming and provincial and Indigenous revenue generation.
- Reviewing Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) operations to remove red tape in the liquor and cannabis industries to increase provincial revenue generation and to further increase contributions from AGLC-regulated industries to Alberta charities and community facilities.
- Diagnosing slow turnaround times in Land Titles and implementing both short-term and long-term solutions that will bring efficiency and faster approvals that allow government to work through and eliminate the backlog.