Canadians met our friendly neighbourhood Canadian Canola a year ago through a digitally-led Hello Canola campaign targeting millennials aged 25-49 in densely populated areas of English-speaking Canada. Approximately one in 10 Canadians surveyed recognized the face and recalled the message. That’s a good start.
The National Canola Marketing Program (NCMP) is a partnership of SaskCanola, Alberta Canola and Manitoba Canola Growers that was more than five years in the making to secure program approval and funding, and align on a launch plan. “We wanted our grower directors to come to the table ready to let go of the old strategy,” says Jenn Dyck, market development director with Manitoba Canola Growers. “And on top of that, we needed to create a program that provided maximum impact for the budget, which meant important, and sometimes difficult, conversations to set expectations.”
Before launching Hello Canola, the NCMP used a Leger omnibus survey of Canadians to establish their baseline opinions, perceptions and understanding of canola. Following year one of the multi-year campaign, the program tapped Leger once again to determine the impact it had on Canadians. It was important to use the exact same questions when putting the survey back into market, to directly measure impact against the initial baseline. However, a qualifier was also added asking if people recalled seeing the campaign, which helped measure the effectiveness of the campaign spend.
Nine per cent said they recalled one or more aspects of the campaign. FleishmanHillard HighRoad (FHR), the strategic communications agency guiding the campaign, says that’s a win.