By Kevin Gould

The Michigan Cattlemen’s Association has announced the opening of nominations for the 2016-2017 MCA/MSU Bull Evaluation Program (BEP). This program is the region’s premier bull appraisal program and is a joint effort between the Michigan Cattlemen’s Association, Michigan State University, and the Plank Farm. The program will begin with bull delivery on Oct. 7-8 and will conclude with the Annual Bull Evaluation Sale on March 18, 2017. Seedstock producers from across the region can nominate bulls through Sept. 1, 2016. More details about the the Bull Evaluation program including the calendar and nomination form can be found on the MIBulls website.
Each year, breeders consign their best junior and senior bulls to the Bull Evaluation program. Bulls that complete the program will have ultrasound data for ribeye area, external fat and percent intramuscular fat. To make the “sale cut” bulls must meet a minimum average daily gain of 2.8 lbs. and pass stringent evaluations for reproductive potential, disposition and structural soundness. Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) for growth, maternal and carcass traits on each bull will be published. “We strive to offer comprehensive breeding value information to commercial cattle producers” says Dr. Dan Buskirk, Michigan State University Beef Cattle Specialist. The 112-day evaluation program helps cattle breeders assess their bulls in a common environment with three key objectives:
- Promote performance-evaluated beef cattle and serve as an educational tool to acquaint producers with its overall value.
- Provide a common environment for evaluating young bulls for rate of gain, soundness, and body composition.
- Aid beef producers in obtaining superior bulls that have been evaluated for growth, breeding and structural soundness, and carcass merit.
Economic impact of the Bull Evaluation Program is estimated at nearly 2 million dollars annually.
Recent buyer survey impact data was gathered recently and can be viewed at reviewed at the BEP website.
The committee is looking forward to the 29th year of the program and we are eager to have new
consignors join us as well as continued work with program veterans. Anyone with questions about the
program can contact Dr. Dan Buskirk at (517) 432-0400 or the MCA office at (517) 347-8117.