“I know that there is a demand there, I think very similar to other areas within Ontario. Sometimes the stressors within agriculture and farming may be a bit different depending on weather and what type of farming is in each area, but I would say it's very consistent the need for mental health support across Ontario.”
The Famer Wellness Initiative is both a crisis and ongoing counselling line for farmers, farm workers and their families, that is free, unlimited and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, Parkinson said.
“Folks who are in crisis can call and speak to a counsellor immediately, and if folks are looking for more ongoing counselling support but aren't in crisis, they can call the line, they would speak to an intake worker who would take some of their information.”
Parkinson said the line is confidential, like seeing a family doctor, but it is not anonymous. Some information must be given.
“They would speak to a counsellor within two to five business days, either by phone, virtually, or if there's a counsellor available within their area, in person, if that's what they would like.”
It is a quick turnaround time, Parkinson said, adding that the service is not just for farming related issues but anything related to their life.
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