OTTAWA, ON, In a determination issued today, the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) ruled that revenue of the Canadian National Railway Company (CN) was below and the Canadian Pacific Kansas City Railway Company (CPKC) was above their respective maximum grain revenue entitlements for the crop year 2023–2024.
- CN's grain revenue of $1,213,732,435 was $34,329,653 below its entitlement of $1,248,062,088.
- CPKC's grain revenue of $871,716,922 was $1,824,083 above its entitlement of $869,892,839.
CPKC now has 30 days to pay the amount by which it exceeded its 2023–2024 revenue entitlement, in addition to a five percent penalty of $91,204. Regulations require this payment to go to the Western Grains Research Foundation.
A decrease in the volume of grain moved this crop year