Map: Ontario Crops Holding Up but Rain Needed

Jun 27, 2016

Ontario crops still remain in generally good condition overall, but plenty of farmers all over the province would certainly welcome more rain.

As the map here shows, the bulk of Ontario has seen considerably less rain that usual over the past month, with the Niagara peninsula particularly hard hit. In fact, the Niagara area only saw between about 8/10th to just over 1 inch of rain between May 23 and June 21.

In Middlesex County, a producer said the lack of rain raised some earlier concerns about germination. Although most crops did eventually come up, and spotty showers have helped, more rain is needed.

One Huron County producer reported that crops did the job of putting down roots, regardless of the dry conditions. Although some crops look fantastic, he said everything needs moisture now “and not just a little.” The northern parts of the county missed recent rains completely, he adde.

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