Even most of the cereals are moving along as well and they're up in the high percentage, 80 to 90 percent complete as well.Soybeans are a little bit behind, but not necessarily behind for this time of the year.We're probably sitting somewhere in that 50 to 60 percent complete around the province right now.
Growers have been able to do some pre-seed herbicide applications, spring burn off, to get rid of some the weed issues.Some growers are going post-seeding as well just to make sure they’ve got the crop off to a really good start.Not a lot of insect pests as off this week's report but I could see some flea beetle issues popping up as they normally do at this time of year.
Overall, things are moving pretty nicely.I expect to see more good progress over the next week or so and, by next Tuesday when we release the next crop report, a lot of the crop will be in the ground already.
Lange says we still have good soil moisture conditions in most regions but we could some more rain.He says there's good moisture in the soil but perception has been lacking over the last few weeks so showers moving through the region would be really nice at this point.
Source : Farmscape.ca