Quality overall has been good, no issues with frost what so ever.Other crops like dry beans for example, we're kind of wrapped up there.Yields were better than expected.We're going to be above average I think across the board.
There are some quality issues there with the wet weather that we had in the central region in early September but overall, the crop is definitely quite marketable.Across the various regions things are wrapping up pretty good. When we look at the Interlake region which was further behind for most of the season because of the rainfall and delayed seeding, they're about 88 percent complete, mostly the last stage of corn and sunflowers there.
The northwest region is also about 86 percent complete. They're finishing up some of their crops as well but overall crop quality was quite good, variable in some situations where oats in some cases where lighter.But cereals, wheat, protein content was good for the most part.No major issues with crops this year.
Lange says the weather forecast looks pretty good so, barring any unforeseen circumstances, things should wrap up over the next couple of weeks.
Source : Farmscape.ca