The Manitoba government is releasing its initial water strategy action plan—a focused guide to specific actions to ensure sustainability of the province’s valuable water resources for current and future generations of Manitobans, Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein and Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced today.
“As a province home to 100,000 lakes, the actions outlined in the initial water strategy action plan will guide a strong path forward to protect our precious freshwater and way of life in Manitoba,” said Klein. “We are fortunate to live in a province with an abundance of the world’s most valuable resource, and our government is committed to managing this resource responsibly and effectively.”
In November 2022, the Manitoba government released a new comprehensive water management strategy. The first strategy of its kind in nearly 20 years will set the direction for Manitoba’s water future, providing a framework to conserve and protect the environment, enhance resiliency, improve water quality and availability, and enhance engagement and Indigenous inclusion in water management while fostering economic development opportunities. The Manitoba government recognizes that additional direct and collaborative work with Indigenous Peoples in water management and stewardship is essential, alongside other key partners.