The Southwest region has experienced above-normal temperatures and minimal rainfall, leading to crops nearing wilting points in some areas. Winter wheat is at the hard dough to ripening stage, and harvest has started in fall rye. Spring cereals are maturing rapidly, with barley expected to be swathed soon.
Canola is in the pod fill to early ripening stage, but some late-seeded crops are still in full bloom. Soybean crops are at the R3 to R4 stage, appearing green and tall, with moisture being critical for pod development. Corn is advancing well, with most of the crop at the silking stage.
The Northwest region has also faced high temperatures and minimal precipitation, depleting surface moisture. Winter wheat and fall rye are in the hard dough stage, with most spring wheat in the soft dough stage. Canola has mostly completed flowering, and soybeans are progressing well in the R2 to R3 stage.
Field peas are nearing desiccation stages, and some rain would benefit the crops in the last bit of pod development. The lack of uniform rainfall continues to pose challenges, necessitating careful management to optimize yields.
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