Manitoba Agriculture reports the yields and quality of the majority of this year's crops are above the five-year average. Manitoba Agriculture released its final crop report of the year yesterday, a seasonal summary.Dennis Lange, a pulse and soybean specialist with Manitoba Agriculture and editor of the provincial crop report, says the harvest is sitting at 95 percent complete across the province.
Quote-Dennis Lange-Manitoba Agriculture:
When we're looking at some of the spring cereal grains, spring wheat right now is ranging this year from 65 to 95 bushels an acre. Quality in most regions is good this year and protein levels are 13 and a half to 16 percent.How that yield compares to previous years, typically the five-year average would be 60 bushels so were kind of in that mix for the five-year average.
When you look at some of our other crops, like barley for example, we're sitting at ranging this year from 80 to 120 bushels an acre, quality overall is good and the five-year average is 74 so a little above the five-year average in that right now.Oats ranged this year from 110 to 180 and some light test weights in some areas.