The consumption of large amounts of prussic acid interferes with oxygen utilization, potentially causing animals to die from asphyxiation (respiratory paralysis). Symptoms such as cherry-red colored blood, staggering, difficulty breathing, spasms, foaming at the mouth and excess salivation, falling, and severe convulsions appear rapidly after forage consumption, sometimes leading to animal death within minutes.
It is extremely important to use caution when grazing these species during the fall. Avoiding to graze at night when frost is a good management option, as most toxins are produced within hours from the freeze event. If there is a killing frost, such as the ones observed in most of Kansas this last week, it is advised to avoid livestock grazing these pastures for up to three days after the frost – as the toxin usually dissipates within 72 hours or until plant tissue is dried out. Fresh forage is riskier as cyanide levels will be higher as compared to dry tissue, silage, or hay. After non-killing frosts, we advise to wait 10-14 days with no additional frost action before grazing. This will likely not be the case for Kansas for the remainder of the fall if temperatures continue to decrease.
Prussic acid content decreases significantly when the forage is cut for hay/used for silage, as large amounts are lost as gas during fermentation. Still, it is recommended to delay feeding silage for six to eight weeks following ensiling. Also, producers can consider mixing nonthreatening forages into the diet to dilute any potentially damaging residual cyanide.
Forages with differing potentials for prussic acid production:
- High: sorghum, johnsongrass, sorghum-sudangrass hybrids, and forage sorghums
- Intermediate: sudangrass varieties and sudangrass hybrids
- Low: piper sudangrass, pearl millet, and foxtail millet
Other species that have potential to contain toxic levels of prussic acid after frost include: chokecherry, black cherry, and elderberry.
Nitrate toxicity
The summer of 2022 was extremely dry in Kansas. Drought-stressed annual and perennial forages can accumulate toxic nitrate levels. This can be worsened after a frost, as freezing damage slows down metabolism and can result in nitrate accumulation in parts of the plants that are still growing. Examples of forages that may have high nitrate levels include alfalfa, corn, oat and other small grains, sudangrass, and sorghum sudangrass, Johnsongrass, etc. Before feeding or grazing drought-stressed forage, send in a forage sample to a commercial lab to be tested for nitrates. Follow your lab’s specific instructions about how to collect and handle the sample. The cost of sampling and analysis is well below that of losing animals.
Managing alfalfa after a hard freeze
If cutting alfalfa for hay, the final cutting should occur right after the first killing freeze, before too many of the leaves have dropped, to reduce losses in nutritive value. Producers should be prepared to enter the fields as soon as soil moisture conditions allow. After a killing freeze, the remaining forage, if any, can be hayed safely. However, the producer should act quickly because the leaves will soon drop off.
If grazing alfalfa fields, the best practice is to wait a few days after the freeze before releasing livestock to the field as frost-damaged alfalfa, while not toxic in terms of prussic acid, does have an increased potential for bloat for a few days. Other forage legumes such as clovers also have the potential to cause bloating after a freeze. Bloat chances decrease once wilting starts or the plant starts growing again. Another option is to swath legume pastures ahead of grazing so that animals graze dry hay instead.
Grazing tall fescue after a freeze
Tall fescue has a waxy layer that reduces the damage caused by frosts, consequently, forage quality remains relatively high when compared to other species and can even result in an increase in sugar content, making tall fescue ideal for stockpiling and winter grazing use.
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