Collecting, maintaining and analyzing records takes a commitment, but the payoff is worth it.
It’s not enough to know which data to collect, you have to know how to use it. To assist producers with this process, the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC), in partnership with Alberta Beef Producers, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Canadian Beef Breeds Council, University of Guelph and Maritime Beef Test Station, launched a free Records for Tracking Genetic Improvements email course in February 2024. A new updated version was recently released in November 2024.
“This course provides a template that helps to ensure that the selection choices you make today will result in measurable progress for your herd in the future. The course helps you to identify the most critical records for your particular situation, taking some of the guesswork out of it,” Schmid explains.
Consisting of seven modules, the course covers topics including criteria for selecting breeding goals and breeding programs, understanding EPDs and heritability, as well as using genetic records to inform culling decisions and replacement heifer selection.
A comprehensive course workbook provides guidance towards the practical application of concepts and information discussed. Those enrolled are also encouraged to input their own farm data through exercises outlined in each module, culminating in a guide on how to transform their herd data into information to help meet on-farm goals.
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