In 2016, growers will be able to see their agronomic data in a completely new light. A new management tool called NS Pro is a nutrition management tool being released this winter.
"As growers accumulate more and more data, their primary concern is how to interpret it and use it for real-life management decisions," according to Richard Mead, NutriScription manager for Crop Production Services.
"This new release builds on more than 10 years' solid experience in optimizing crop yields and economic responses to soil and foliar plant nutrition."
- NS Pro will deliver finger-tip access to the most recent NutriScription recommendation reports, relieving reliance on emailed data. Additionally, all historical soil and tissue records from a grower's farm since the 2013 season will be available with just a few clicks.
- NS Pro will provide powerful agronomic analytics by helping a CPS sales rep and his/her customer to identify trends in any particular field, group of fields or the entire farm from any set of soil and crop tissue samples previously analyzed.
- NS Pro will be able to isolate a crop type and derive nutritional trends for potential differences between two or more crops. This will help growers focus on which problem nutrient or set of nutrients each crop type seems to have historically. Discerning this information can help in fertilizer input planning for the current or future seasons.