The Colorado Cattlemen's Association, which represents 6,000 members, has long opposed the ballot measure to reintroduce gray wolves, with officials describing it as a threat to humans, domestic pets, livestock and wildlife.
Under the state's reintroduction plan, up to 10 wolves will be brought to Colorado from Oregon by plane or truck and released in Summit, Eagle or Grand counties by the end of the year, where they will likely disperse by up to 70 miles.
The agency plans to bring up to 50 more wolves to Colorado over the next five years.
But despite years of planning and development, state and federal wildlife officials did not take the required steps to analyze the impact of gray wolf reintroduction as required under the National Environmental Policy Act, the lawsuit alleges.
In a statement, Gunnison County Stockgrowers' Association President Andy Spann said concerns raised by the group during the reintroduction plan's development were not sufficiently resolved.
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